www.lowesfoods.com/experience – Participate In Lowes Foods Guest Experience Survey

by admin September 30, 2019
LFS Guest Experience Survey

Take Part In Lowes Foods Guest Experience Survey

Food lovers must have visited Lowes to satiate their hunger and also to give a better treat to their taste buds. Lowes Foods stepped the foot in the business way back in the year 1954 in the Wilkesboro, North Carolina, USA. It has their head office settled up in the Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA, it manages 97 Stores (as per a general report came in the year 2015) all across the country.

It provides products like Grocery, Meat, Seafood, Produce, Deli, Bakery, Online Ordering, Delivery, Dairy, Floral, Fuel, Pharmacy. According to the reports of recent years, it has earned a total revenue of $1.6 billion.

Lowes Foods product includes Grocery, Produce, Delivery, Fuel, Deli, Bakery, Meat, Seafood, Dairy, Floral, and Online Ordering.

Take the Lowes Foods Guest Experience Survey and share your thoughts, opinions, and concerns. It is always rewarding when a business is aware of customers’ satisfaction with its products and/or services. Customers too would feel appreciated and encouraged when they are asked to share their opinions and contribute to surveys. The Lowes Foods Guest Experience Survey proves that the company values your opinions. Such surveys are used to promote communication and collaboration while measuring guest satisfaction. There is one golden rule in the world of business: The customer is always right. The world will continue changing and businesses will continue evolving to suit new requirements and needs and provide ever-essential services. However, what remains constant is the customer, whose voice trumps everything else.

Here, check the survey details in this article and complete the survey to enjoy the sweepstake participation.

Eligibility for Lowes Foods Guest Experience Survey

  • A PC or mobile device with Internet access.

  • A basic understanding of English.

  • Your age has to be 18

The official rules for Lowes Foods Guest Experience Survey

  • The employees or their relatives can’t take part in the survey

  • A valid Lowes Foods store receipt with a survey invitation is required.

  • The survey will take 7 minutes to complete

Taking Lowes Foods Guest Experience Survey

For this visit, www.lowesfoods.com/experience

  • Here, in the middle of the page, you will get a blank, where you need to enter,

  • The last 4 digits of your Fresh Rewards Card Card Number or survey code

LFS Guest Experience Survey

  • Then, click on, ‘Next’.

You have to follow the prompts and answer the later questions to finish the survey.

The reward of Lowes Foods Guest Experience Survey

After completion of the survey, you will be entered into a monthly drawing for 1 of 5, $100 Lowes Foods gift cards for you to enjoy as a token of Lowes Foods appreciation. If you win you will be contacted by the contact information you have given in the survey.

Also Read : Take Firehouse Subs Guest Satisfaction Survey To Win Prizes

Contact info

To get in touch with Lowes, you can call on the toll-free number, 888.537.8646. Or send a mail to, Lowes Foods

ATTN: Guest Services

PO 24908

Winston-Salem, NC 27114-4908.

Reference :


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