Boston Pizza Guest Survey –

Boston Pizza asks the customer feedback through its online guest satisfaction survey. So, if you have recently visited a Boston Pizza store and your receipt included a survey invitation, take this short survey. And, share your experience about the food and service you received in that dining or purchase. The company continually strives to provide customers with exceptional service. Your honest responses in the Online Survey are extremely helpful to reach that goal.  Plus, you will have the chance to enter into a sweepstakes contest.

Boston Pizza Guest Survey Sweepstakes Prize

Boston Pizza Guest Survey

One Prize consisting of a $200 Boston Pizza Gift Card is available per month during the contest period.

Total 14 monthly prizes will be awarded in the entire Boston Pizza Guest Experience Survey Contest.

Boston Pizza Guest Experience Survey Rules & Conditions

To become eligible for the BP Survey and participate in the drawing contest, you must accept its terms and conditions. Like you

  • Need to be a legal resident of Canada and have reached the age of majority in your residing province.
  • Visit a participating Boston Pizza location in Canada lately and order an item off the menu
  • Pay the bill in the restaurant and keep the purchase receipt with the survey invitation.
  • Take the survey within the mentioned days on your receipt or the survey code will no longer be valid.
  • Not be a member of the immediate families of an employee, contractor, agent, or representative of Boston Pizza, Medallia, and any company associated with them.

To Take Boston Pizza Guest Experience Survey & Enter the Contest

Two ways you can enter into the Boston Pizza Guest Survey Sweepstakes- Online and mail-in entry. If you fulfill all the criteria listed above, you can complete your Boston Pizza Guest Experience Survey online which is considered the fastest and most convenient way of entry. For that, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the Boston Pizza Guest Survey website at
  • Scroll down the page to enter the Boston Pizza Receipt Code and Server Name found under the barcode on your BP survey invitation receipt in their fields.
  • Click the “Next” button to start your survey.
  • Rate your Boston Pizza experience and select the reason for the given score.
  • Answer all the questions one by one following the instructions.
  • Upon completion, you will receive one entry to the ongoing drawing period of the BP Guest Experience Survey Sweepstakes.
  • After completing the basic survey you will have the opportunity to take an additional survey. If you go for that, you will get one more extra entry to the contest.

Note that you can access only one basic and additional Boston Pizza Guest Survey per Survey Access Code. You can take no more than twice each survey during any consecutive 30 day period.

Boston Pizza Guest Survey Sweepstakes Contest Alternative Entry

The BP customers with all the eligibilities but no survey access code can take part in the Boston Pizza Guest Survey contest via Mail-In entry. Without a purchase, they need to send a letter requesting to enter them into the contest. To mail the request, you have to take a sheet of paper. Handwrite the following sentence:

“Please enter me in the Boston Pizza Sweepstakes for a chance to win a Monthly Prize”.

Include your hand-written first name, last name, home telephone number, full address (no PO Box accepted), and email address in it and send it to

c/o Boston Pizza
575 Market Street, Suite 1850
San Francisco, CA 94105

A random draw will be held within 15 days of the last day of each month during the sweepstakes period to select one monthly winner. The contest administrator will contact the winner within 7 days after the draw.

The prize, a$200 Boston Pizza Gift Card, has no cash value and the winner must accept it as it is.

About Boston Pizza

Boston Pizza International Inc. is one of the top multinational casual dining brands in Canada with more than 380 company-owned and franchised restaurants in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This Canadian restaurant chain was founded by Gus Agioritis, a Greek immigrant, in Edmund, Alberta, Canada in 1964. Boston Pizza is famous for its gourmet pizzas and BP wings, though it offers hundreds of unique and delicious menu items other than pizza and wings. The restaurant is known as ‘Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza, Restaurant, and Sports Bar’ in the US.

Contact Information

Boston Pizza Customer Service Phone Number: +1 604-303-6398 (Western Canada), 450-687-2004 (Quebec),

Western Canada Mailing Address:

#100 -10760 Shellbridge Way
Richmond, BC V6X 3HI

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